Thursday, December 27, 2012

Right Foot Forward

Today is our third day of sabbatical. Starting it with Christmas was a wonderful way to begin!

We spent our Christmas day as a family, just relaxing, laughing, and having fun. Josh began the day with a devotional on John 16 where Jesus tells us that whatever we ask in Jesus' name will be granted to us. Now there's a whole separate blog post I could do on how that passage has been abused, but suffice it to say that when you are asking for something in Jesus' name, it means that you are seeking it for his glory. It sort of makes that request for a new fancy car or a bigger TV obsolete.

We asked the children to share with us what they would like to ask God for in relation to our sabbatical. Something that they could ask for in Jesus' name and that if answered would bring Him great glory.

Boy, were we floored by their responses! One mentioned that he hasn't been putting as much effort and care into his relationship with God lately and would like to rectify that during our sabbatical. Another asked to know the Scriptures as well as Jesus did while on earth! Wow!! One prayed for Dad to be safe and learn much in Israel. And one asked that we have some wonderful times as a family during this sabbatical.

All excellent requests. And all requests that we were very happy to join them in praying for. Have I mentioned that I think my kids are awesome?!! I'm so humbled and amazed at their maturity and their love for the Lord. It's a beautiful thing to behold.

I think we're starting out on the right foot. I have high expectations of what God is going to do during the next three months. And if the desires of my children's hearts are any indication, I think we're all going to grow a lot.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Boy or Girl? Ultrasound Results are In!

We had our ultrasound today for baby #6. And while I'd love to show you pictures, my scanner isn't cooperating with my computer.

First, let me say that this little one is healthy and growing well. We could see the little fingers and toes, legs and arms. What a wonderful sight!

We brought the kids with us to the ultrasound and showed them their little sibling on the screen. Jesse began to dance when the baby's heartbeat was put on speaker. I can just imagine that these two will be thick as theives and likely get into much trouble together!

We did find out today that my due date is a bit off. By my calculations, I should be 19 weeks along. Apparently getting pregnant while nursing can cause your dates to be a bit off. So, now I'm due May 10th instead of May 1st. Which actually works out much better in my spring schedule. (And yes, I'm being a little silly here. But really it will be much easier to travel halfway across the country in March if the baby is a little smaller.)

And now, I know you're all dying to know if it's a boy or a girl. So many of you have said how you're praying for a girl so that Abby can have a sister. She has also been echoing that same prayer. But Josh and I have always said that we want whatever the Lord feels will fit best in our family. He must want us to have a full boy's basketball team because we're getting our fifth BOY!! There's no doubt about gender after how this little guy was showing off during the ultrasound.

We're so thankful for this little man and are praising God for knittng him together in such a perfect way. Please continue to pray for his health and growth as we continue through the pregnancy.

And for those of you feeling sorry for Abby - it's not all bad. She's the only Brumbaugh kid who will be able to have her own room. Quite a perk in a house with six kids!