Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Wonder

Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for the Five Minute Friday: Wonder.

Each morning I awaken much earlier than desired to the cries of my 15 month old. Lately he has taken to waking up at 4:30am and while the hour is undesireable to me, he is awake and full of excitement.

I quietly bring him downstairs and we slowly adjust our eyes to the light with heavy blinks. And then we do what he's waiting for. We turn on the Christmas tree lights.

Every time his reaction is the same. Ooooh!! Oh!!


My little guy brings such joy to our family as he points and vocalizes at the beauty of the world around him. It may even be something simple, like a shoe he hadn't noticed by the door.

Either way, his sweet little voice accompanied by the chubby arm with extended finger reminds me to stop and look. To enjoy the wonder of God's creation.

The beauty of my children. The bright green of fresh lettuce. The sound of a parakeet singing. The softness of a stuffed animal. The giggles aroused by a good old fashioned tickling. The smell of cinnamon as cookies bake. The bite of the cold winter wind.

When looking at the world through a baby's eyes you see so much more. Everything is new, everything is fresh. The world holds it's allure once again.

Stop and see. Let the wonder begin.


  1. Children are great blessings. They can help us to see the wonderful things again and again. That's we praise God for.

  2. Hello! I'm visiting today from LIsa-Jo's link up and wanted to encourage you! I remember many similar late nights and early mornings with my own children.

    I loved this "...his sweet little voice accompanied by the chubby arm with extended finger reminds me to stop and look. To enjoy the wonder of God's creation.

    Thank you for taking me back in time and helping me remember the magic of the ordinary.
